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JMEID @ UniSa (ISSN 2280-6407)

JMEID @ UniSa - International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design

  • Preface

The Jmeid @ UniSa is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal devoted to publishing scientific papers in fields of mechanical engineering and  industrial design. It aims to promote transfer of knowledge among researchers come from academia and industry, and promoting synergies and strengthen links between them.  All manuscript will be reviewed by Editorial Board members who reserve the right to reject the manuscript without entering the review process in the case that the topic, the format or ethical aspects are inappropriate. The Publication process will be conform to indications of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)

  • Ethical Obligations of Authors

An author's central obligation is to present a concise and accurate account of the research together with an objective discussion of its significance.

A submitted manuscript shall contain detail and reference to public sources of information sufficient to permit the author's peers to repeat the work or otherwise verify its accuracy.

An author shall cite and give appropriate attribution to those publications influential in determining the nature of the reported work sufficient to guide the reader quickly to earlier work essential to an understanding of the present work.

The submitted manuscript shall not contain plagiarized material or falsified research data.  

It is unethical for an author to submit for review more than one paper describing essentially the same research or project to more than one journal of primary publication.

To protect the integrity of authorship, only persons who have significantly contributed to the research or project and manuscript preparation shall be listed as co-authors. The corresponding author attests to the fact that any others named as co-authors have seen the final version of the manuscript and have agreed to its submission for publication.

An author should make no changes to a paper after it has been accepted. If there is a compelling reason for any changes, the author must inform the editor. Only the editor has the authority to approve such changes.

Why publish your article in Jmeid @ UniSa

High visibility

Jmied's open access policy allows maximum visibility of articles published in the journal as they are available to a large audience. 


Online publication in Jmeid @ UniSa gives authors the opportunity to publish large datasets, large numbers of color illustrations and moving pictures, to display data in a form that can be read directly by other software packages so as to allow readers to manipulate the data for themselves.



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Testata registrata al Tribunale di Salerno
Registrazione n.7/2013 dell'11/03/2013
Direttore responsabile prof. Domenico Guida